Inquiry / Bookingform
fields marked with * are mandatory
fields marked with * are mandatory
Surcharge for junior suites and apartments:
€ 10.00 per person per night
Surcharge for single occupancy: € 15.00 per room per night
Surcharge for minibreaks: for minibreaks
(1 - 3 nights) we charge a premium in the amount of € 5.00 per person per night
Child discounts (with 1 full-paying adult):
Infants up to 5 years stay for free in their parents’ room
Children from 6 to 9 years staying in their parents’ room receive a 50% reduction
Children from 10 to 14 years inclusive staying in their parents’ room receive a 30% reduction
Reduction for the 3rd or 4th adult guest staying in a triple room or family apartment: 15%
Hirschen group rates:
We offer special rates for groups. Do please request our special price list for group trips.
Bank details:
Hotel Zum Hirschen
Gstrein Betriebs GmbH
Raiffeisenbank A-6444 Längenfeld
IBAN: AT743626800000068494
...can happen anytime. Do please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to take your holiday. We will endeavour to be accommodating. If the room remains free as a result of your cancellation you will be charged the following cancellation fees:
In the Summerseason:
In the Winterseason:
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